SiteRecon Help Center
SiteRecon Help Center

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Rename your property address

Now, you can rename your property from 131 Sitara Ln, St Johns, FL 32259, USA to something as short as Rob’s House - Florida*
The objective is to help you remember your property address by a more convenient and suitable name.
Only you (the workspace creator/admin) can edit the property name, which will be reflected across all platforms: web and iOS.
Here's how you can do it:

1. Editing property name from the Web Platform

To edit the name on the dashboard, you can either hover on the property name → see the option ‘Edit’ → Edit the property name → Click ‘Done’ to save the changes.
Or you can select the dots to the right of the property card, and a drop down menu to edit your property details will be available.
Select the ‘Edit Customer Info’ button and make changes in the ‘Customer Name’ section and click ‘Update’ to save the changes

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