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My Properties dashboard

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Your property data can be managed in the My Properties section.

Once you access the SiteRecon web app by logging in to your SiteRecon account, the first thing you will see is the My Properties header. The page looks something like this:

The dashboard is divided into three categories and is loaded with several filtering options. These features will help you navigate your property easier and faster.

1. Property categories

The property list is segregated into three different categories to help you discover your property seamlessly.

1.1 Created by me

Under this column, you will see the list of properties created by you. View the status (Approved, Draft, etc.) of properties in their corresponding rows. Click on any property to open it separately on the map screen under a new tab.

1.2 Bulk Projects

Click on the Bulk Projects to view the list of bulk projects.
Click on a property to view its detail, viz. property count, and the status of approval.
Scroll further down to view the list of properties under this order.
You can click on the blue Edit Description button to edit the title and description fields of the project.
If you want to go back to the list, click on the back arrow button.

1.3 All

Even if a property Is not created by you, you can view it under the All column. Click on any property from this list to view it on the map screen in a new tab.

2. Switch pages

The property dashboard allows you to vary the number of properties you want to be displayed on the page. You can choose to view 10, 20, 50, or 100 properties per page from the dropdown. Refer to the screenshot below.
You can also move to the next or previous set of pages using the arrows as shown below. Clicking on the extreme right or left arrows will respectively take you to the last or first page of the property list. The same applies to all three categories.

3. Filters

You can use filters to seamlessly navigate the dashboard – combine one or more filters to get the information you need.
Use the various filters available in the leftmost column of the page. The filter attributes are the same for Created by me and All categories. However, different sets of filters available for the Bulk Projects category.

Using the search filter

You can search for a property by its name from the search box.
If you are looking for a property that has already been searched before, the search box will suggest the full property name with a 'recently searched' icon.

Click in a blank space outside of the search box or the x icon to return to the main screen – dashboard.
If you have a filter X applied to your dashboard, then properties with filter ≠ X will not appear in the search result.
For example, if you have applied the Approved filter, you can only search for the approved properties. The properties that are in the Draft stage yet won't show up in the result.

Applying other filters from the filter panel

Apart from finding your property using the search option, you can use the various filters listed in the filter panel (leftmost column) on the dashboard to narrow down the list of properties.
Hover the mouse pointer on the filter panel and scroll up and down using the mouse wheel to browse the list of filters. If you are not using a mouse, place two fingers on the touchpad and slide vertically (up or down) to view the filter list.
Click the checkbox of any filter you wish to apply
You can use multiple filters at the same time.
To remove the filters, you can do either of the following three steps:
Uncheck the boxes against the applied filters
Click the x icon on individual filters to remove them separately. Refer to the image below.
Select the Clear All button text to remove all of them together. Refer to the image below.
Once you have applied/removed the filters, your dashboard will get updated automatically to reflect the data.

Supported filters and their definitions

You can use either of the given filter options to search for property – fields or checkboxes. Use the scroll feature to browse the filter list.
Order ID indicates the unique set of numbers linked to any property created.
Status indicates the stage at which your property measurement is. The entire process can be categorized into multiple stages based on the status of the order as listed below. You can filter your properties against these stages.
Draft When a property address is entered to create an order, the measurement process is considered initiated, and till the time it is submitted by the user for measurement at the platform, it falls in the category of a draft.
In Progress The stage that comes after the Draft is In Progress. Once the user has submitted a property for measurement, it takes some time to process the measurements and throw the output. The time duration between the order submission and the output data is referred to as In progress.
Awaiting Approval In the third stage, the measurement is presented to you for your review, feedback, and approval. If there is any discrepancy or queries, you can raise them before accepting the final results. It allows you to attach the files and pictures that can help us understand your concern better.
Resolving Feedback When there is open feedback from the customer and SiteRecon is still working on it. When SiteRecon resolves feedback, the property goes back into awaiting approval status.
Approved This is the final stage of the measurement process, once you have approved the results it is finalized and made available for your use and export.
Archived You can clean the junk properties from your account without permanently deleting them by using the archive feature. Archived properties are not visible on the My Properties page. You can find archived properties by applying the archive status filter. You can also un-archive properties to bring them back to the main view.
Self Measured The users can either choose to get their properties measured using SiteRecon's imagery mapping tool or draw the property parcel manually. If the latter is the case, it is termed Self Measured.
Bolt Preview Once the measurement has been generated by the ML (machine learning) model, it is previewed to the user. The property will be in Bolt Preview state till the user verifies the measurements.
Bolt In Verification When the user needs more detailed measurements than the measurements provided by the ML model, he/she requests manual QC and the property is then in Bolt In Verification state.
Bolt Approved When the measurements generated by the ML model are approved by the user, the property will be shown in the Bolt Approved state.
Bolt Failed Similar to the above point, when the ML model fails for some reason, the status for the property will be Bolt Failed.
Tag: Once a property is created with a tag included, it will be visible as a list under the Tag filter. Select them to further refine your search.
Customer Name refers to the customer, point of contact, or the owner of the property.
Created Date shows the date when you initiated the drafting of a property.
Customer ID is the unique identification information that can be assigned to each property SiteRecon provides you with the freedom of making it numeric, alphabetical, or a combination of both as per your organizational data format needs.
Property Area is the area of the property being measured in acres.
City signifies the city of the property created.
State signifies the state of the property created.
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