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SiteRecon Help Center

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Create New Property

You can create a new property directly on Plato. Now you can manage all your notes, be it from the prospecting of a property to the final conversion - on your mobile application itself.
Follow the steps mentioned below to create your property.
1. Click on the create property icon (+) on the dashboard and start adding your property address in the search bar as shown
Plato Training - Getting Started (12).png
2. Once you have completed adding your property address, you can click on ‘New Property’ to start the order
Plato Training - Getting Started (13).png
3. Confirm the address and click on the ‘Create’ button to confirm creation of a new property on Plato. You can begin taking notes on it once the property creation is successful.
Plato Training - Getting Started (15).png

💡 Please note: The status of the properties created from mobile app will be "self-measured".

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